Thursday, 27 April 2017



This post is all about simple herbal remedies I use to stay healthy when a cold hits and how I get back to my normal self with the help of some immunity boosting remedies. 

Unfortunetly I've been caught by the Spring cold, and just when I've started back at uni which is a major bummer. I've not always been one of those people that believed in herbal remedies, however now that I'm older I've started to think a bit more hippy about things and think my body is telling me I need a reality check and there's a reason I'm feeling this way (trust me I've wanted to give in to that trusty paracetamol multiple times) so yeah these are a few bits I've found work best to me! 

I've found that B12 tablets have helped to give me a major mental boost when fighting this cold. They are commonly used by vegetarians as a supplement that's usually found in fish, dairy and meats. It basically helps to fight fatigue and tiredness to keep up going throughout the day.
 I pop two of these 'bad boys' every morning and have seen a real change!

Now onto the coconut oil, we all know it's a major craze at the moment that can be used for EVERYTHNG. I've found myself getting into oil pulling of late, this helps to remove bacteria from your mouth and actually helps to reduce the bad bacteria in your body. All you do is scoop out a large teaspoon of the hard coconut oil and put it in your mouth, then swish it around until it dissolves pulling it through your teeth (it's always an amazing natural teeth whitener!), then spit it out (I suggest spitting it into a tissue then putting it in the bin as the oil can clog sink drains). After this I brush my teeth then rinse my mouth with warm water to remove all of the excess oil. I've been doing this twice a day at the moment to seriously fight the cold! 

I've never been into drinking medicine as they taste so atificial and kind of bad for me? HOWEVER, this Echinacea drink has changed the game. It's a completely herbal medicine that targets flu symptoms, you simply put a 5ml teaspoon into hot water and drink it 5 times a day (I know it sounds like a lot but it actually works! The quick turnaround is AMAZING). After 3 days you up the dose to 10ml but only have three drinks a day. But yeah! This is working so well for me at the moment and I started to 100% better after a day! And it's all herbal so you feel alright about drinking so much of it, right? 

Anyway, hope these remedies help to keep you healthy and feel better when a nasty cold strikes! 

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